Positive thoughts for happier relationships
An English professor once wrote, "Woman without her man is nothing" and asked his students to punctuate it. The men wrote, "Woman, without her man, is nothing!" and the woman wrote, "Woman! Without her, man is nothing!" These are just tiny dots, commas and exclamation marks but it depicts the importance of how we can view the same situation in different ways and get two polar results. A lot of the problems within relationships do not stem from situations but our perspectives and handling of them. It seems that many a crisis and issues are handled with aggression by men and tears by women. It's so easy to moan, about and nag. But it might be more productive to be proactive and positive. You can grudge a workaholic husband and his zeal or reward him with candlelight romantic meals for affording you your lifestyle. You can lament about the death of passion with the years gone by or make it your mission to restore it with whatever it takes. You can view your divorce as the end of your world or as the end of a world of misery. You can view infertility as a curse and wallow in melancholy or simply as a fabulous chance to change the life of an orphan. Negativity breeds misery, positivity breeds happiness. The choice lies with you.